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Modern Love Essentials is an all-natural, luxurious intimate body cream. At Modern Love Essentials we believe that sex can only get better and should be a pleasurable, stress-free experience. 


The Virgin Post

Michele Locker

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Thank you for visiting my website and for wanting to learn more about Modern Love Essentials, (MLE)!

My very first blog post shares why I created MLE. In subsequent postings, I'll talk about my love and lust-life, my experience visiting a couple of sex clubs, S&M, and most importantly - going from boring and afraid to fabulously-sexy in bed - or, as it were, on the dining-room table. I'll talk about things that I love, other than sex, such as Pilates, food, tequila, and rescuing kittens.  I will use this platform to speak boldly and express myself. I've learned that standing for myself, no matter how vulnerable I may feel, is the key to truly loving myself and therefore loving another person. I will share things I didn’t know that I didn’t know. I hope you discover something new! 

Why Modern Love Essentials?

The answer to why I created MLE is simple… better sex. Sex that is fun, sexier, empowering, and just plain easier! I did it for me, really. Suddenly, I felt confident. Men were like, "Who are you?" 

A bit of background…. I’m a straight woman. I lost my virginity at 23, waiting for the right guy!  I've never been married, which for better or worse, provides me with the experience of having been intimate with a few loves and lovers, sometimes for 1 night, other times for a few years. I've had plenty of "fabulous sex," plenty of "boring sex," and once or twice sex that I didn't want. (I've pledged never to put myself in that position again.)

A few years ago, while waiting for my prince, I kept a friend/lover. (I love to quote from Sex and the City!) While we had an intellectual connection and good chemistry, I didn’t want more. One night he grabbed a jar of coconut oil from the kitchen cabinet and introduced me to using the oil for fun and games in the bedroom. Out of the jar the coconut oil was in a solid form and then melted on my body. Wow, I loved it! I loved the control. Why would I ever have sex without it? No more sticky, friction-laden hand/blow jobs. No more rough penetration because I wasn't quite "lathered up." Suddenly, I had the magic to feeling “yummy” and creating a more enjoyable experience for myself first and my partner as a result. At a later time, one man told me, "This is the best blow job I've ever had!" That's when I knew I was on to something...

I did some research and discovered that while virgin coconut oil is great for many things, it's a big NO-NO when it comes to a woman's vaj. I repeat, “No virgin coconut oil in the vagina!” Virgin coconut oil is antibacterial and anti-fungal, so there's a chance that it could disrupt a vagina's natural pH balance and cause a yeast infection. So don't use it! It also smells like coconut and that can be a turn off. 

MLE is sourced using the absolute finest processed organic coconut oil, the highest quality organic essential oils, and made in small batches by a contract manufacturer here in California. My goal is to produce a concern-free, chemical free, cruelty-free product. One day MLE will have Parve Kosher certification. 

Before going to market, I tested everything I could find on the shelves and online. The ingredients in mass market products were frightening. Did I really want to put these chemicals in/on my body? The organic products got sticky quickly. Although organic, I wasn’t interested in ingesting ingredients such as, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Xanthan Gum, Agar, Lactic Acid, Potassium Sorbate, and Sodium Benzoate, either! Conversely, you can put MLE in your coffee, though I don't recommend it!

Especially during the most vulnerable moments, I want to feel safe and secure. MLE enables me to express myself and to be empowered through the entire journey. The experience is effortless for me and my partner. I feel sexy during sex. Heck, I don't want to think about ingredients that I cannot spell! Saying "Fuck no," to boring sex, doesn't mean you have to compromise on your health and sanity. (Men don’t realize that women think about these things while in the midst of an orgasm!)

I knew that armed with a jar, more women could also be liberated from their boring and/or non-existent sex lives -- especially those women in long-term monogamous relationships and/or with men who don’t quite understand the meaning of foreplay (sorry guys)! It’s also perfect for quickies. And if you're everything is already peach-keen, why not mix it up? Personally, I've found variety to be sorely absent in the bedroom and women need to take back control!

That is the essence of MLE.